

Talented Students of UIN Bandung will be present to say hello at Graduation 85

(UINSGD.AC.ID)-SGD Fighters, nantikan penampilan terbaik dari para mahasiswa UIN Sunan...
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Workshop on Strengthening Patent Rights LP2M UIN Bandung

  (UINSGD.AC.ID)-Rektor UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Prof Dr H...
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LP2M UIN SGD Targets Research Results to Transmit Reputable International Journals

(UINSGD.AC.ID)-Lembaga Penelitian dan  Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) UIN Sunan Gunung...
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The Chancellor of UIN Bandung Invites the Academic Community to Fight Covid-19 with an Inner and Outer Approach

(UINSGD.AC.ID)-Dalam menghadapi situasi seperti sekarang, civitas akademika UIN Sunan Gunung...
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