Open Senate Session for Doctoral Promotion in Islamic Education: Acep Komarudin

Postgraduate Program at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, as an educational institution, certainly has a noble duty to develop various aspects within the scope of science. The availability of facilities and infrastructure on campus is aimed at facilitating students and the academic community in realizing this. One of the roles that is optimized is as an agent for producing scientific practitioners who are competent and have qualified capabilities and high fighting spirit related to the advancement of science.

On Monday, February 20 2023, with great pride, the UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Postgraduate Program again held a Doctoral Open Promotion Session which took place in the South Hall, Lt. 4 Graduate Building. The trial was held on behalf of Acep Komarudin. He is a student of Islamic Education Doctoral Study Program who has succeeded in reaching the highest stage related to educational strata in Indonesia institutionally. The session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Ajid Thohir, M.Ag., along with the promoter team and the testing team.

The promovendus research topic in his dissertation is regarding “Development of Integrative Authentic Assessment in PAI Learning (Research in Class XI of State Vocational Schools throughout Tasikmalaya City)”. Based on the series of events that started with the opening by the chairman of the assembly, then a short presentation delivered by the promoter team, presentation of the research background and results by Acep Komarudin, then continued with a question and answer session with the examining team, it is understood that promovendus is very knowledgeable about the topic of research studies carried out . He was then legally awarded a Doctorate degree as an appreciation for his optimal contribution in the world of education.

Dr. Acep Komarudin became the 731st graduate at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Postgraduate. Congratulations and prayers accompany the closing session this time. Not forgetting to do a photo shoot and mushaafahah session with all the attendees who witnessed the procession of conferring a doctorate in a solemn and orderly manner. Hopefully this will be a step forward in the development of science and can become a field of worship in the future, especially for Dr. Acep Komarudin.