Paper Topics

Knowledge Management
  1. Islamic Educational Institution and Market Orientation
  2. Knowledge Production and Data Mining
  3. Literacy and Public Policy
  4. Knowledge Production, Economic Development, and Culture
  5. The Democratization of Knowledge and Fate of Religion
  6. Halal Minded: In Search of Strategies for Effective Halal Education
  7. Public Health and Islamic Educational Institution
Social and Religious Resiliences
  1. Crises, Post-Pandemic, and Transformative Capacities
  2. Environment, Climate Change, and Disaster Management
  3. Green and Renewable Energy
  4. Inclusiveness, Difabilities and Social Services
  5. Social Justice and Poverty
  6. Bio-Medical Ethics and Public Health
  7. Psychological Resilience and Islamic Psychotherapy
  8. History, Memory, and Social Resilience
  9. Gender, (Im)Mobility, and Social Resilience
Social and Religious Resiliences
  1. Islamic Principles and Ethics for Digital Transformation
  2. Islamic Corpus and Digital Technology
  3. Religion in Digital Sphere
  4. Materiality in Digital World
  5. Islamic Law and Digital Culture
  6. Halal and Life Style
  7. Mainstreaming Halal Values and Principles in Digital Era
  8. Application of Digital Technology for Halal Industry
"Malay Civilization Facing the Global Challenges of Covid-19"
Held By
  1. Pascasarjana UIN SGD
    UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia
  2. Akademi Pengajian Islam
    Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia
  3. Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) Brunei Darussalam
  4. Faculty of Islamic Science
    Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand
Further Information Please Contact

M. Taufiq Rahman
+62 8965 528 9523


Paelani Setia
+62 82262310068

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